On Father's Day, Let's Not Forget Priests

Priests get a bad rap these days. In secular communities (and sadly some religious ones) people think "priest" is synonymous with "pedaphilie." They make jokes about it, which is demented. It's like saying every pediatrician hurts toddlers because Dr. Earl Bradley did. Or every televangelist sleeps with prostitutes because Jimmy Swaggart did. Or every politician sends lewd texts because Anthony Weiner did. Or every mom and dad hurt children because some do.

For every one child molester, there are thousands of pastors who would cut their arms off before harming anyone. For every sick priest, there are thousands of healthy religious leaders who sacrifice daily for their congregations. This Father's Day, let's take a few moments to honor the men who does so much good in their parish, their communities and their world. Let's hear it for the priests.

I've been blessed to count many priests in my circle of friends. Some of the most nurturing, healing moments in my life were when I received the sacraments of Holy Communion, Confirmation and Reconciliation from them. They have baptized my children, prayed for them, loved them like their own. They have absolved me of sins I carried for decades. This Father's Day, say your vocations prayers, honor your husbands and dads, but remember the man who is praying everyone through--your parish priest. Thank you Fr. Bill Langlois (aka Father Leroy).On Father's Day, Let's Not Forget Priests
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Mother's Day Activities for Moms Who Have Lost Children

Mother's Day is a favorite holiday for me. I have four lovely kids and my mother, step mother and mother-in-law. Mother's Day can be bittersweet for kids who have lost moms. And what about the mother who has lost a child? Mother's Day may just be bitter. Here are ways to acknowledge Mother's Day (or just survive) if you or someone you love has lost a child.

I'm a mom to six, four living children and two baby daughters in heaven. We lost both children in nearly third trimester losses. Both could have survived if they had made it a few more weeks. Our physicians made mistakes in both cases that could have prevented their deaths. We not only had our grief to cope with, but anger also.  Read on
Mother's Day Activities for Moms Who Have Lost Children 

Free Catholic Eastertide to Ascension Thursday Activities

The Easter Triduum -- Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil -- is the three most sacred days of the Catholic liturgical calendar. As homeschoolers, we spent Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter, doing Lent activities. Here are free printable Catholic resources to take you through Eastertide to Ascension Thursday. Pope John Paul II spoke of the family as the primary educators of children. He encouraged families to set up altars in their home. Whether you homeschool your children or not, parents have a special vocation to teach the faith. These lessons, devotions and crafts help children and families explore that faith more deeply.  Free Catholic Easter Resources and Activities

Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe, San Isidro, Juan Diego, on Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican/Latino holiday that commemorates the Battle of Puebla. Catholic Christians
 join hands from all points around the globe to share in this holiday. As an ESL teacher, I met a wonderful lady from Juarez who told about the Feast of San Isidro (Isidore) the Farmer. It's celebrated on May 15. Processions wended through villages, she said, following the Isidore's icon. There was music and food, prayers and joy. Manuela was one of the key reasons I converted to Catholicism in 1993. She is the godmother for two of my children.

Why not celebrate Cinco de Mayor by honoring Mexico's most famous saints. Along with St. Isidro, the Blessed Mother, Patroness of the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe and her friend Bl. Juan Diego are honored. Dec. 12 marks the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Catholic Church. It dates to 1531 when Catholics believe the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to an Aztec peasant at a hill called Tepeyac in Mexico City. Here are activities to help parents teach children about this holiday and its part in Mexican heritage.  Our Lady of Guadalupe Activities for Parents and Children


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