Free printable Thanksgiving holiday activities, crafts, coloring pages, cards

Thanksgiving is the last holiday before Advent and busy Catholic families will be readying for the holy season. As a homeschooling mom, I well remember being swamped with lesson plans along with Thanksgiving prep. So I made Thanksgiving prep part of the lessons (you know how it is, if Mohammed can't go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Mohammed, lol!)

I used free printable Thanksgiving crafts to occupy children, keep them actively learning and out from under foot. Children will love coloring and making Thanksgiving party decorations, invitations, greeting cards, games, table decor, placemats and more with these printouts. Print 3D turkeys, Native American Indians crafts, pilgrims, pumpkins, harvest cornucopias--all the traditional holiday themes. These are perfect for preschool and elementary social studies crafts too.   Free printable Thanksgiving holiday activities, crafts, coloring pages, cards


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