Free Printable Natural Family Planning Ovulation and Fertility Charts

Birth control is a very personal choice between couples but in the Catholic church and some protestant denominations, use of artificial contraception is forbidden by church law. If you're a Catholic Christian or concerned about the safety of taking the pill, oral contraceptives or using artificial birth control, why not consider NFP or Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning International, a ministry of the Catholic Church, teaches couples to chart monthly menstrual cycles, using the symptom-thermal or calendar method of birth control. Fertility awareness helps couples with natural family planning without artificial birth control. It helps them achieve pregnancy by understanding a woman's monthly cycle. Here are free printable ovulation charts, also called fertility charts.

Ovulation is the time of the month when the egg is released from the ovary and begins its way down the Fallopian tube to the uterus. The uterus prepares for possible pregnancy each month and the BBT or basal body temperature rises slightly around fertile times of the month. The uterus also builds up mucus which appears in the cervix and around a woman's genital area. The consistency and type of mucus indicates more and less fertile times. Couples plot information about CM (cervical mucus) and BBT on fertility charts to know when ovulation is occurring.

Using the information on fertility charts, couples plan to when to engage in intercourse to get pregnant. Charting cervical mucus and daily BBT is called the symptothermal method of Natural Family Planning. With the health risks involved with artificial contraceptives, many couples use symptothermal birth control to know when to avoid intercourse and pregnancy, for safe and natural family planning.

Free printable medical forms has a free printable fertility charts. These BBT charts track ovulation signs using the symptothermal calendar method. There are simple free printable fertility charts and more advanced BBT charts for a cost. Just Mommies has free printable ovulation charts that use just the BBT calendar method and not the symptothermal method of birth control. Fertility charts are simple to use. Instead of writing the clinical sexual intercourse or SI used on most fertility charts, couples write BD (baby dance).

Baby Center is a great for folks trying to achieve pregnancy. Its supportive and includes a free e-newsletter to receive helpful fertility advice. Baby Center has tutorials on how to use basal thermometers and free CM and BBT fertility charts. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the free printable BBT charts. Use fertility awareness tools in natural family planning.

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