How I Lost Weight with Weekly Spiritual Fasting

There's some controversy about fasting as a way to lose weight. Going without eating for long stretches can be dangerous. But regular, spiritual bread and water fasting can be beneficial health-wise and for losing weight. Here's how I lost found that out.

* Emotional benefits of spiritual fasting: 18 years ago I joined the Catholic Church. I attended a retreat devoted to Mary the Mother of God. In her apparition (appearance) at Medjugorje, Mary called the faithful to fast twice weekly, eating nothing but bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays. I followed that fast. Getting my mind off food helped me focus on spiritual exercises and combat negative behaviors.  How I Lost Weight with Weekly Spiritual Fasting 

Free Printable St Francis Coloring Crafts

I homeschooled our four kids for 10 years and made loads of lesson plans. Alas, I am woefully inept as an artist, so the lesson plans that required drawing skills...lacked. But now, with the beauty of the Internet, we have access to free printable lesson plans, coloring pages, cut and paste crafts, games and activities. Here are coloring pages in honor of St. Francis's feast day October 4. Read on free printable saints coloring pages

Anti-Halloween Activities, Trick-or-Treat Alternatives for Parents

As kids eagerly count down to trick or treat, some parents worry about Halloween. Safety and health issues, stranger danger, religious objections, too-scary decorations, older kids trick or treating, costume concerns: here are child-friendly options, anti-Halloween ideas and trick or treat alternatives. Use these for a Christian church harvest parties or All Saints Eve party. Read more Halloween and Trick-or-Treat Alternatives for Parents

Free Printable Catholic Games, Coloring, Activities--Saints, Martyrs, Blesseds

Many saints feast days are celebrated in September. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta is venerated on Sept. 5, St. Peter Claver on Sept. 9. Other popular September saints include St. John Chrysostom, St. Robert Bellmarine, St. Padre Pio, Sts Cosmos and Damian, St. Vincent de Paul, Raphael the Archangel, St. Jerome, plus many martyrs. As a home school family, saints study comprised a large part of our back to school activities. Catholic school teachers, religious education instructors, home schoolers and parents will enjoy these free printable games and activities. Use these for lessons, party games, holy day activities and family fun. (The picture is a reredoes we saw at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Lafayette, La.)  Free Printable Catholic Games, Coloring, Activities 

Free Printable Eastern Orthodox Catholic Coloring Activities

September 1 marks the Eastern Orthodox Church's new liturgical year. The Christian Orthodox church, whose branches include Russian, Ukrainian, Slavic, Slavonic and Greek Orthodox, is linked to the Byzantine Church. The eastern rite churches follow most of the same practices as the Christian Catholic church, including veneration of saints, icons, holy relics and martyrs. Here are free printable coloring pages, activities and lesson plans to celebrate Orthodox new year. Free Printable Eastern Orthodox Catholic Coloring Activities 


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