Free Printable Jewish Purim Activities

Purim is a Jewish festival with importance for Christians. It comes from the Bible book of Esther.  Thecelebration of Purim begins at sundown on February 24, 2013. Each year Jewish observances fall on different days, because they follow the Hebrew calendar, not western Gregorian calendar. Purim celebrates the bravery and wisdom of a Jewish girl, Esther who became queen to Ahasuerus, King of Persia. King Ahasuerus's first wife Queen Vashti was very beautiful. One night the King demanded that Vashti parade naked in front of all his guests. She refused and was excecuted.

King Ahasuerus, seeking a new queen, noted the lovely Esther, niece to his advisor Mordechai. Mordechai was a leader of the Jewish people exiled in Persia. Haman, evil prime minister to Ahasuerus, decreed that everyone should bow to the King, hoping to get rid of Esther and Mordechai who were Jewish and would bow to no one but Yahweh. When Mordechai was sentenced to the gallows, Esther went forth to the king, braving his wrath to plead for her people. Ahasuerus's heart was softened and Haman was put to death instead.  For activities to celebrate Purim, read on. Free Printable Purim Activities


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