Free Printable Birth Plans, Labor and Delivery Plans

If there's one thing we Catholic moms think about and talk about its kids, specifically the having of babies. And wherever you're at in your baby-having career, first time or sixteenth, you deserve to have your birth experience the way you want it. That's why you need a birth plan. Whether you're having a hospital or home birth, using a midwife or doctor, a birth plan spells out how you want it to go. Here are free printable birthing plan forms to help (St. Gerard Majella would approve!) Free Printable Birth Plans, Labor and Delivery Plans

Teaching Kids social justice: How parents should teach awareness, develop empathy

 Sensitivity training isn't just for adults. It has to begin in childhood. It's essential that parents teach awareness--especially of social justice issues like poverty--early and often. To raise awareness, schools require high school kids to complete student volunteer service credit hours. This opens kids up to needs and teaches them to have a heart for others. When teaching compassion and empathy, here are things to keep in mind.

* Teach empathy by example. Our kids learn empathy by watching how compassionate we are (or aren't). Before teaching kids empathy, take an honest self-inventory. Do you show that you care about others? Do you respond to need? Read more Kids and social justice: How parents teach awareness, develop empathy 

Ways Catholic parents can develop awareness of poverty, teach generosity

If I had a buck for every time I heard someone say "kids today are so insensitive and selfish," I'd be rich. If kids lack sensitivity, it's because we parents have failed to teach empathy. As Catholic Christians, we're called to living in solidarity with the poor. The Bible is full of references to living simply. The saints lived and preached gospel poverty. Yet looking at our church parking lots and pews, I don't see much poverty. I see a lot of wealth and excess. I don't mean to cant, but we're called to renounce worldliness. Kids living in luxury have no connection with the world church unless we teach them. Here are ways to raise  awareness of world poverty, develop empathy with the sufferings of the poor and teach generosity. Student volunteer work and missionary outreach may count toward school-required service credit hours, too.  Ways parents can develop awareness of poverty, teach generosity


Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services
Ways to promote social justice in the world church

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