Sensitivity training isn't just for adults. It has to begin in childhood. It's essential that parents teach awareness--especially of social justice issues like poverty--early and often. To raise awareness, schools require high school kids to complete student volunteer service credit hours. This opens kids up to needs and teaches them to have a heart for others. When teaching compassion and empathy, here are things to keep in mind.
* Teach empathy by example. Our kids learn empathy by watching how compassionate we are (or aren't). Before teaching kids empathy, take an honest self-inventory. Do you show that you care about others? Do you respond to need? Read more Kids and social justice: How parents teach awareness, develop empathy
* Teach empathy by example. Our kids learn empathy by watching how compassionate we are (or aren't). Before teaching kids empathy, take an honest self-inventory. Do you show that you care about others? Do you respond to need? Read more Kids and social justice: How parents teach awareness, develop empathy