Candy Alternative Treats for All Saints Eve, Day of the Dead Parties

I know, call me an old bat, but I hate Halloween--the ghoulishness, haunted houses, the money wasted. We observed All Saints Day with our kids. They could enjoy making costumes (Bible and saints), dressing up and going to parties. SFX in Grand Rapids, Mich., had a rockin' All Saints Eve mass, costume parade and party. But I'm not even really into the candy. I like to pass out sugarfree alternatives. I wrote one list and here are 10 more trick-or-treat handouts. Add to the list holy cards, crucifixes, saints medals, books, Catholic coloring books, printable coloring pages.  10 Candy Alternative Treats for Halloween

Free Printable Catholic Games, Crafts for All Saints Day

With All Saints Day on November 1 and All Souls Day on November 2, the Catholic church moves into the countdown toward Advent and the church new year. Catholic school teachers, religious education instructors, homeschoolers and parents, you'll want these these free printable games and activities. use these for lessons, party games, holy day activities and family fun. Free Printable Catholic Games, Coloring, Activities

We Learned About Solidarity with the Poor from Operation Rice Bowl Recipe Fail

One of my favorite concepts in the Catholic church is social justice. When I converted in 1993, I was intrigued by the term "live in solidarity with the poor." I think I heard it at a third order Franciscan event. I've always tried to live American transcendentalism-simple, generous, neighborly. I call myself a Catholic transcendentalist.

Social justice teachings were a big part of our homeschooling. We followed church liturgical calendar for lessons. During Lent, we fast, give alms and sacrifice. Our church does Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl, collecting money for those in need. Through the rice bowl calendar we learn about cultures our money helps. It's not a do-gooder, we-them thing. They ain't heavy--they're brothers and sisters.

Here's how a recipe fail from the CRS rice bowl calendar taught us first-hand what hunger means. And so rice bowl is a lent activity? The concept works for advent, especially given it's a penitential season. Why not check out the CRS rice bowl website for lessons? I included the link. Read more What We Learned About Hunger From My Third-World Recipe Fail

Free Saints Coloring Pages, Animals Crafts for Feast of St. Francis

October 4 is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Francis achieved many things in his life--restoring San Damiano church and founding the Franciscan religious order. He was instrumental in returning the Church to Benedictine vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and humility. He wrote "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" and the Prayer of St. Francis (Make me a channel of your peace) from which 12-step programs take the Serenity Prayer.

But Francis is probably best known as the patron saint of animals. Many people participate in the Blessing of the Pets on his feast day. I remember when our oldest was 5, at St. Mary's in Spring Lake (before I converted or had decided to home school). I missed bringing our cat Oliver for the pet blessing and Molly was heart-broken (sure some horrible fate would befall him). So Sister told me to bring him in for his own blessing. I brought one reluctant kitty and two busy little boys to school where Ollie was duly pet and blessed. Good memories. For free printable activities and crafts, click here Free Printable Saints, Animals Crafts for Feast of St. Francis


Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services
Ways to promote social justice in the world church

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