We Learned About Solidarity with the Poor from Operation Rice Bowl Recipe Fail

One of my favorite concepts in the Catholic church is social justice. When I converted in 1993, I was intrigued by the term "live in solidarity with the poor." I think I heard it at a third order Franciscan event. I've always tried to live American transcendentalism-simple, generous, neighborly. I call myself a Catholic transcendentalist.

Social justice teachings were a big part of our homeschooling. We followed church liturgical calendar for lessons. During Lent, we fast, give alms and sacrifice. Our church does Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl, collecting money for those in need. Through the rice bowl calendar we learn about cultures our money helps. It's not a do-gooder, we-them thing. They ain't heavy--they're brothers and sisters.

Here's how a recipe fail from the CRS rice bowl calendar taught us first-hand what hunger means. And so rice bowl is a lent activity? The concept works for advent, especially given it's a penitential season. Why not check out the CRS rice bowl website for lessons? I included the link. Read more What We Learned About Hunger From My Third-World Recipe Fail


Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services
Ways to promote social justice in the world church

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